
(Updated on: March 26, 2025)
by Keichi Takahashi


  • Kang Xingyuan, Keichi Takahashi, Chawanat Nakasan, Kohei Ichikawa, Hajimu Iida, “Load-Aware Multi-Objective Optimization of Controller and Datastore Placement in Distributed SDNs,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 37, no. 4–5, Feb. 2025. 10.1002/cpe.70007
  • Xiangcheng Sun, Keichi Takahashi, Yoichi Shimomur, Hiroyuki Takizawa, Xian Wang, “Performance evaluation of the LBM simulations in fluid dynamics on SX-Aurora TSUBASA vector engine,” Computer Physics Communications, vol. 307, Feb. 2025. 10.1016/j.cpc.2024.109411
  • Nozomu Ishiguro, Fusae Kaneko, Masaki Abe, Yuki Takayama, Junya Yoshida, Taiki Hoshino, Shuntaro Takazawa, Hideshi Uematsu, Yuhei Sasaki, Naru Okawa, Keichi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Takizawa, Hiroyuki Kishimoto, Yukio Takahashi, “Towards Sub-10 nm Spatial Resolution by Tender X-ray Ptychographic Coherent Diffraction Imaging,” Applied Physics Express, vol. 17, no. 5, May. 2024. 10.35848/1882-0786/ad4846
  • Jiaheng Liu, Ryusuke Egawa, Keichi Takahashi, Yoichi Shimomura, Hiroyuki Takizawa, “Reuse Distance-Based Shared LLC Management Mechanism for Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Systems,” IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 21, no. 4, 2024. 10.1587/elex.21.20230520
  • Soratouch Pornmaneerattanatri, Keichi Takahashi, Yutaro Kashiwa, Kohei Ichikawa, and Hajimu Iida, “Toward Automatic Parallelization: Detecting Parallelizable Loop using Large Language Modeling,” Journal of Information Processing Systems, 2024. (to appear)
  • Michael Zielewski, Keichi Takahashi, Yoichi Shimomura, Hiroyuki Takizawa, “Efficient Pause Location Prediction using Quantum Annealing Simulations and Machine Learning,” IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 104285-104294, Sep. 2023. 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3317698
  • Keichi Takahashi, Kohei Ichikawa, Joseph Park, Gerald M. Pao, “Scalable Empirical Dynamic Modeling with Parallel Computing and Approximate k-NN Search,” IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 68171–68183, Jun. 2023. 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3289836
  • Kundjanasith Thonglek, Kohei Ichikawa, Keichi Takahashi, Chawanat Nakasan, Kazufumi Yuasa, Tadatoshi Babasaki, Hajimu Iida, “Toward Predictive Modeling of Solar Power Generation for Multiple Power Plants,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E106-B, no. 7, July 2023. 10.1587/transcom.2022EBT0003
  • Guoqing Li, Keichi Takahashi, Kohei Ichikawa, Hajimu Iida, Chawanat Nakasan, Pattara Leelaprute, Pree Thiengburanathum, Passakorn Phannachitta, “The Convergence of Container and Traditional Virtualization: Strengths and Limitations,” SN Computer Science, vol. 4, no. 387, May 2023. 10.1007/s42979-023-01827-9
  • Kundjanasith Thonglek, Keichi Takahashi, Kohei Ichikawa, Chawanat Nakasan, Hidemoto Nakada, Ryousei Takano, Pattara Leelaprute, Hajimu Iida, “Automated Quantization and Retraining for Neural Network Models without Labeled Data,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 73818-73834, Jul. 2022. 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3190627
  • Wassapon Watanakeesuntorn, Keichi Takahashi, Chawanat Nakasan, Kohei Ichikawa, Hajimu Iida, “Opimon: A Transparent, Low-overhead Monitoring System for OpenFlow Networks,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E105-B, no. 4, pp. 485-493, Apr. 2022. 10.1587/transcom.2021EBP3083
  • Kshitij Mehta, Bryce Allen, Matthew Wolf, Jeremy Logan, Eric Suchyta, Swati Singhal, Jong Y. Choi, Keichi Takahashi, Kevin Huck, Igor Yakushin, Alan Sussman, Todd Munson, Ian Foster, Scott Klasky, “A codesign framework for online data analysis and reduction,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 34, no. 14, Aug. 2021. 10.1002/cpe.6519
  • William F. Godoy, Norbert Podhorszki, Ruonan Wang, Chuck Atkins, Greg Eisenhauer, Junmin Gu, Philip Davis, Jong Choi, Kai Germaschewski, Kevin Huck, Axel Huebl, Mark Kim, James Kress, Tahsin Kurc, Qing Liu, Jeremy Logan, Kshitij Mehta, George Ostrouchov, Manish Parashar, Franz Poeschel, David Pugmire, Eric Suchyta, Keichi Takahashi, Nick Thompson, Seiji Tsutsumi, Lipeng Wan, Matthew Wolf, Kesheng Wu, Scott KlaskyS, “ADIOS 2: The Adaptable Input Output System. A framework for high-performance data management,” SoftwareX, vol. 12, Jul. 2020. 10.1016/j.softx.2020.100561
  • Akihiro Misawa, Susumu Date, Keichi Takahashi, Takashi Yoshikawa, Masahiko Takahashi, Masaki Kan, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yoshiyuki Kido, Chonho Lee, Shinji Shimojo, “Dynamic Reconfiguration of Computer Platforms at the Hardware Device Level for High Performance Computing Infrastructure as a Service,” Cloud Computing and Service Science, vol. 864, pp.177-199, Jul. 2018. 10.1007/978-3-319-94959-8_10
  • Keichi Takahashi, Susumu Date, Dashdavaa Khureltulga, Yoshiyuki Kido, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Eiji Kawai, Shinji Shimojo, “UnisonFlow: A Software-Defined Coordination Mechanism for Message-Passing Communication and Computation,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 23372-23382, Apr. 2018. 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2829532
  • Susumu Date, Hirotake Abe, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Keichi Takahashi, Yoshiyuki Kido, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Pongsakorn U-chupala, Kohei Ichikawa, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Eiji Kawai, Shinji Shimojo, “SDN-accelerated HPC Infrastructure for Scientific Research,” International Journal of Information Technology, vol. 22, no. 01, 2016.

International Conference

  • Keichi Takahashi, Tomonori Hayami, Yu Mukaizono, Yuki Teramae, Susumu Date “Performance analysis of mdx II: A next-generation cloud platform for cross-disciplinary data science research,” 15th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2025), Apr. 2025. (accepted) arXiv:2502.10820
  • Shubham Verma, Keichi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Takizawa, “Leveraging Hardware Performance Counters for Predicting Workload Interference in Vector Supercomputers” 24th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2024), Dec. 2024.
  • Ryota Koda, Keichi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Takizawa, Nozomu Ishiguro and Yukio Takahashi, “Real-Time Phase Retrieval Using On-the-Fly Training of Sample-Specific Surrogate Models,” The 12th International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR 2024), Nov. 2024. 10.1109/CANDAR64496.2024.00015
  • Hang Cui, Keichi Takahashi and Hiroyuki Takizawa, “DRAS-OD: A Reinforcement Learning based Job Scheduler for On-Demand Job Scheduling in High-Performance Computing Systems,” The 12th International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR 2024), Nov. 2024. 10.1109/CANDAR64496.2024.00011
  • Tatsuyoshi Ohmura, Keichi Takahashi, Ryusuke Egawa and Hiroyuki Takizawa, “A QA-Assisted Job Scheduler for Minimizing the Impact of Urgent Computing on HPC System Operation,” 16th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Algorithms and Applications (PDAA), Nov. 2024. 10.1109/CANDARW64572.2024.00039
  • Soratouch Pornmaneerattanatri, Keichi Takahashi, Yutaro Kashiwa, Kohei Ichikawa, and Hajimu Iida, “Automatic Parallelization with CodeT5+: A Model for Generating OpenMP Directives,” 2024 International Workshop on Large Language Models (LLMs) and HPC, Sep. 2024. 10.1109/CLUSTERWorkshops61563.2024.00028
  • Keichi Takahashi, Takashi Abe, Akihiro Musa, Yoshihiko Sato, Yoichi Shimomura, Hiroyuki Takizawa, Shunichi Koshimura, “Modernizing an Operational Real-time Tsunami Simulator to Support Diverse Hardware Platforms,” International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER 2024), Sep. 2024. arXiv:2408.07609 10.1109/CLUSTER59578.2024.00043
  • Toshinobu Katayama, Keichi Takahashi, Yoichi Shimomura and Hiroyuki Takizawa, “XAI-Based Feature Importance Analysis on Loop Optimization,” 19th International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning (iWAPT), May 2024. 10.1109/IPDPSW63119.2024.00142
  • Rei Aoyagi, Keichi Takahashi, Yoichi Shimomura and Hiroyuki Takizawa, “Combining lossy compression with multi-level caching for data staging over network,” 26th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models (APDCM), May 2024. 10.1109/IPDPSW63119.2024.00059
  • Daiki Nakai, Keichi Takahashi, Yoichi Shimomura and Hiroyuki Takizawa, “A node selection method for on-demand job execution with considering deadline constraints,” 27th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP 2024), May 2024. 10.1007/978-3-031-74430-3_8
  • Sho Ishii, Keichi Takahashi, Yoichi Shimomura and Hiroyuki Takizawa, “Maximizing Energy Budget Utilization Based on Dynamic Power Cap Control,” 27th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP 2024), May 2024. 10.1007/978-3-031-74430-3_9
  • Hang Cui, Keichi Takahashi, Yoichi Shimomura and Hiroyuki Takizawa, “Clustering Based Job Runtime Prediction for Backfilling Using Classification,” 27th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP 2024), May 2024. 10.1007/978-3-031-74430-3_3
  • Xingyuan Kang, Keichi Takahashi, Chawanat Nakasan, Kohei Ichikawa, and Hajimu Iida, “Multi-Objective Optimization of Controller Placement in Distributed ONOS Networks,” The Eleventh International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR 2023), Nov. 2023. 10.1109/CANDAR60563.2023.00017
  • Keichi Takahashi, Toshio Mori, Hiroyuki Takizawa, “Prototype of a Batched Quantum Circuit Simulator for the Vector Engine,” Fourth International Workshop on Quantum Computing Software held in conjunction with SC23: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, Nov. 2023. 10.1145/3624062.3624226 slides
  • Soratouch Pornmaneerattanatri, Keichi Takahashi, Yutaro Kashiwa, Kohei Ichikawa, and Hajimu Iida, “Parallelizable Loop Detection using Pre-trained Transformer Models for Code Understanding,” 24th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2023), Aug. 2023. 10.1007/978-981-99-8211-0_4
  • Moto Satake, Keichi Takahashi, Yoichi Shimomura, Hiroyuki Takizawa, “Balancing exploitation and exploration in parallel Bayesian optimization under computing resource constraint,” The 18th International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning (iWAPT 2023), May 2023. 10.1109/IPDPSW59300.2023.00122
  • Keichi Takahashi, Soya Fujimoto, Satoru Nagase, Yoko Isobe, Yoichi Shimomura, Ryusuke Egawa, Hiroyuki Takizawa, “Performance Evaluation of a Next-Generation SX-Aurora TSUBASA Vector Supercomputer,” ISC High Performance 2023, May 2023. arXiv:2304.11921 10.1007/978-3-031-32041-5_19 slides
  • Yoichi Shimomura, Akihiro Musa, Yoshihiko Sato, Atsuhiko Konja, Guoqing Cui, Rei Aoyagi, Keichi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Takizawa, “A Real-time Flood Inundation Prediction on SX-Aurora TSUBASA,” 29th International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC), Dec. 2022. 10.1109/HiPC56025.2022.00035
  • Yifan Jin, Mulya Agung, Keichi Takahashi, Yoichi Shimomura, Hiroyuki Takizawa, “Towards Priority-Flexible Task Mapping for Heterogeneous Multi-core NUMA Systems,” 23rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2022), Dec. 2022. 10.1007/978-3-031-29927-8_1
  • Kazuki Ide, Keichi Takahashi, Yoichi Shimomura, Hiroyuki Takizawa, “A Task-Parallel Runtime for Heterogeneous Multi-node Vector Systems,” 23rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2022), Dec. 2022. 10.1007/978-3-031-29927-8_26
  • Shunpei Sugawara, Keichi Takahashi, Yoichi Shimomura, Ryusuke Egawa, Hiroyuki Takizawa, “Equivalence Checking of Code Transformation by Numerical and Symbolic Approaches,” 23rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2022), Dec. 2022. 10.1007/978-3-031-29927-8_29
  • Yuta Sasaki, Keichi Takahashi, Yoichi Shimomura, Hiroyuki Takizawa, “A Cost Model for Compilers Based on Transfer Learning,” The 17th International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning (iWAPT 2022), Jun. 2022. 10.1109/IPDPSW55747.2022.00152
  • Reo Furuhata, Minglu Zhao, Keichi Takahashi, Yoichi Shimomura, Hiroyuki Takizawa, “Automated Selection of Build Configuration Based on Machine Learning,” The 17th International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning (iWAPT 2022), Jun. 2022. 10.1109/IPDPSW55747.2022.00151
  • Kundjanasith Thonglek, Keichi Takahashi, Kohei Ichikawa, Chawanat Nakasan, Pattara Leelaprute, Hajimu Iida, “Sparse Communication for Federated Learning,” 6th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC 2022), May 2022. 10.1109/ICFEC54809.2022.00008
  • Tomoki Sugiura, Keichi Takahashi, Kohei Ichikawa, Hajimu Iida, “Acar: An application-aware network routing system using SRv6,” 19th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Jan. 2022. 10.1109/CCNC49033.2022.9700608
  • Kundjanasith Thonglek, Kohei Ichikawa, Keichi Takahashi, Chawanat Nakasan, Kazufumi Yuasa, Tadatoshi Babasaki, Hajimu Iida, “Enhancing the Prediction Accuracy of Solar Power Generation using a Generative Adversarial Network,” IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conference (IGESSC 2021), Nov. 2021. 10.1109/IGESSC53124.2021.9618702
  • Keichi Takahashi, Wassapon Watanakeesuntorn, Kohei Ichikawa, Joseph Park, Ryousei Takano, Jason Haga, George Sugihara, Gerald M. Pao, “kEDM: A Performance-portable Implementation of Empirical Dynamic Modeling using Kokkos,” Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC 2021), Jul. 2021. arXiv:2105.12301 10.1145/3437359.3465571
  • Guoqing Li, Keichi Takahashi, Kohei Ichikawa, Hajimu Iida, Pree Thiengburanathum, Passakorn Phannachitta, “Comparative Performance Study of Lightweight Hypervisors Used in Container Environment,” 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2021), Apr. 2021. 10.5220/0010440502150223
  • Wassapon Watanakeesuntorn, Keichi Takahashi, Kohei Ichikawa, Joseph Park, George Sugihara, Ryousei Takano, Jason Haga, Gerald M. Pao, “Massively Parallel Causal Inference of Whole Brain Dynamics at Single Neuron Resolution,” 26th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2020), Dec. 2020. arXiv:2011.11082 10.1109/ICPADS51040.2020.00035
  • Kundjanasith Thonglek, Keichi Takahashi, Kohei Ichikawa, Chawanat Nakasan, Hajimu Iida, “Federated Learning of Neural Network Models with Heterogeneous Structures,” 19th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2020), Dec. 2020. 10.1109/ICMLA51294.2020.00120
  • Kundjanasith Thonglek, Keichi Takahashi, Kohei Ichikawa, Chawanat Nakasan, Hidemoto Nakada, Ryousei Takano, Hajimu Iida, “Retraining Quantized Neural Network Models with Unlabeled Data,” International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2020), Jul. 2020. 10.1109/IJCNN48605.2020.9207190
  • Kshitij Mehta, Bryce Allen, Matthew Wolf, Jeremy Logan, Eric Suchyta, Jong Choi, Keichi Takahashi, Igor Yakushin, Todd Munson, Ian Foster, Scott Klasky, “A Codesign Framework for Online Data Analysis and Reduction,” Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS 2019), Nov. 2019. 10.1109/WORKS49585.2019.00007
  • Kundjanasith Thonglek, Kohei Ichikawa, Keichi Takahashi, Chawanat Nakasan, Hajimu Iida, “Improving Resource Utilization in Data Centers using an LSTM-based Prediction Model,” Workshop on Monitoring and Analysis for High Performance Computing Systems Plus Applications (HPCMASPA 2019) (held in conjunction with IEEE Cluster 2019), Sep. 2019. 10.1109/CLUSTER.2019.8891022
  • Yohei Takigawa, Keichi Takahashi, Susumu Date, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, “A Traffic Simulator with Intra-node Parallelism for Designing High-performance Interconnects,” The International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2018), Jul. 2018. 10.1109/HPCS.2018.00077
  • Hiroaki Morimoto, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Keichi Takahashi, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Design and Implementation of SDN-enhanced MPI Broadcast Targeting a Fat-tree Interconnect,” The International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2017), Jul. 2017. 10.1109/HPCS.2017.46
  • Keichi Takahashi, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Susumu Date, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, “PFAnalyzer: A Toolset for Analyzing Application-aware Dynamic Interconnects,” Workshop on Monitoring and Analysis for High Performance Computing Systems Plus Applications (HPCMASPA 2017) (held in conjunction with IEEE Cluster 2017), Sep. 2017. 10.1109/CLUSTER.2017.18
  • Akihiro Misawa, Susumu Date, Keichi Takahashi, Takashi Yoshikawa, Masahiko Takahashi, Masaki Kan, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yoshiyuki Kido, Chonho Lee, Shinji Shimojo, “Highly Reconfigurable Computing Platform for High Performance Computing Infrastructure as a Service: Hi-IaaS,” The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), Apr. 2017. 10.5220/0006302501630174
  • Takuya Yamada, Keichi Takahashi, Masaya Muraki, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Network Access Control Towards Fully-controlled Cloud Infrastructure,” PhD. Consortium, 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom2016), Dec. 2016. 10.1109/CloudCom.2016.0076
  • Baatarsuren Munkhdorj, Keichi Takahashi, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Design and Implementation of Control Sequence Generator for SDN-enhanced MPI,” The 5th International Workshop on Network-aware Data Management (NDM’15), Nov. 2015. 10.1145/2832099.2832103
  • Susumu Date, Hirotake Abe, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Keichi Takahashi, Yoshuyuki Kido, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Pongsakorn U-Chupala, Kohei Ichikawa, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Eiji Kawai, Shinji Shimojo, “An Empirical Study of SDN-accelerated HPC Infrastructure for Scientific Research,” International Conference on Cloud Computing Research and Innovation (ICCCRI), Oct. 2015. 10.1109/ICCCRI.2015.13
  • Pisit Makpaisit, Kohei Ichikawa, Putchong Uthayopas, Susumu Date, Keichi Takahashi, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, “An Efficient MPI_Reduce Algorithm for OpenFlow-Enabled Network,” 15th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT’15), Oct. 2015. 10.1109/ISCIT.2015.7458357
  • Keichi Takahashi, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Baatarsuren Munkhdorj, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Eiji Kawai, Shinji Shimojo, “Concept and Design of SDN-enhanced MPI Framework,” The fourth edition of the European Workshop on Software Defined Networks (EWSDN 2015), pp. 109-110, Sep. 2015. 10.1109/EWSDN.2015.72
  • Keichi Takahashi, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shinji Shimojo, “Performance Evaluation of SDN-enhanced MPI_Allreduce on a Cluster System with Fat-tree Interconnect,” The International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulations (HPCS2014), Jul. 2014. 10.1109/HPCSim.2014.6903768

Book Chapter

  • Keichi Takahashi, Kohei Ichikawa, Gerald M. Pao, “Toward Scalable Empirical Dynamic Modeling,” M. M. Resch et al. (eds.), Sustained Simulation Performance 2022, pp. 61-69, Springer, Mar. 2024. 10.1007/978-3-031-41073-4_5
  • Hiroyuki Takizawa, Keichi Takahashi, Yoichi Shimomura, Ryusuke Egawa, Kenji Oizumi, Satoshi Ono, Takeshi Yamashita, Atsuko Saito, “AOBA: The Most Powerful Vector Supercomputer in the World,” M. M. Resch et al. (eds.), Sustained Simulation Performance 2022, pp. 61-69, Springer, Mar. 2024. 10.1007/978-3-031-41073-4_6
  • Keichi Takahashi, Kohei Ichikawa, Gerald M. Pao, “Toward Scalable Empirical Dynamic Modeling,” M. M. Resch et al. (eds.), Sustained Simulation Performance 2022, pp. 61-69, Springer, Mar. 2024. 10.1007/978-3-031-41073-4_5
  • Keichi Takahashi, Susumu Date, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo “Integrating SDN-enhanced MPI with Job Scheduler to Support Shared Clusters,” M. M. Resch et al. (eds.), Sustained Simulation Performance 2018 and 2019, pp. 149-159, Springer, Mar. 2020. 10.1007/978-3-030-39181-2_13
  • Susumu Date, Yoshiyuki Kido, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Keichi Takahashi, Yasuhiro Watashiba, Shinji Shimojo, “Toward Flexible Supercomputing and Visualization System,” M. M. Resch et al. (eds.), Sustained Simulation Performance 2015, pp. 77-93, Springer, 2015. 10.1007/978-3-319-20340-9_7

Poster and Oral Presentation

  • Keichi Takahashi, “An API remoting system for accessing large-scale array data on-demand,” Supercomputing Asia (SCA 2025), Mar. 2025. (poster)
  • Tomonori Hayami, Keichi Takahashi, Yu Mukaizono, Yuki Teramae, Susumu Date, “Fostering data-centric research in Japan: Design of the mdx II cloud platform,” Supercomputing Asia (SCA 2025), Mar. 2025. (poster)
  • Yifan Jin, Mulya Agung, Keichi Takahashi, Yoichi Shimomura, Hiroyuki Takizawa, “Task Mapping with Considering both Memory and Heterogeneity,” IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips and Systems (COOL Chips 25), Apr. 2022. (poster)
  • Seiji Tsutsumi, Naoyuki Fujita, Hiroyuki Ito, Daichi Obinata, Keisuke Inoue, Yosuke Matsumura, Keichi Takahashi, Greg Eisenhauer, Norbert Podhorszki, Scott Klasky, “In Situ and In Transit Visualization for Numerical Simulations in HPC,” In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-scale Analysis and Visualization (ISAV 2019) (lightning presentation).
  • Wassapon Watanakeesuntorn, Kohei Ichikawa, Keichi Takahashi, Hajimu Iida “An Interactive Monitoring Tool for OpenFlow Networks,” PRAGMA Workshop 37, Sep. 2019.
  • Kundjanasith Thonglek, Kohei Ichikawa, Keichi Takahashi, Chawanat Nakasan, Hajimu Iida, “Compressing Recurrent Neural Network Models using Vector Quantization,” PRAGMA Workshop 37, Sep. 2019.
  • Wassapon Watanakeesuntorn, Kohei Ichikawa, Keichi Takahashi, Jason Haga, Gerald Pao “Modeling of Complete Zebrafish Brain Neural Activities on ABCI,” PRAGMA Workshop 37, Sep. 2019.
  • Vahid Daneshmand, Renato Figueiredo, Kohei Ichikawa, Keichi Takahashi, Kundjanasith Thonglek, “Investigating the Performance and Scalability of Kubernetes on Distributed Cluster of Resource-Constrained Edge Devices,” PRAGMA Workshop 37, Sep. 2019.
  • Scott Klasky, Norbert Podhorszki, Jason Ruonan Wang, Susumu Date, Keichi Takahashi, Osamu Tatebe, Taisuke Boku, “Enhancing ADIOS for extreme-scale data movement,” DOE/MEXT meeting, May. 2019.
  • Kundjanasith Thonglek, Kohei Ichikawa, Keichi Takahashi, Chawanat Nakasan, Hajimu Iida, “Towards Optimal Resource Utilization in Data Centers using Long Short-Term Memory,” PRAGMA Workshop 36, Apr. 2019. (Best Presentation Award)
  • Keichi Takahashi, “An MPI Framework for HPC Clusters Deployed with Software-Defined Networking,” 27th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance (WSSP27), Mar. 2018.
  • Keichi Takahashi, “Towards Realizing a Dynamic and MPI Application-aware Interconnect with SDN,” 26th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance (WSSP26), Oct. 2017.
  • Takuya Yamada, Keichi Takahashi, Masaya Muraki, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shimojo Shinji, “A Proposal of Access Control Mechanism for the IoT world,” ASEAN IVO Meeting, Sep. 2016.
  • Takuya Yamada, Keichi Takahashi, Masaya Muraki, Yoshiyuki Kido, Susumu Date, Shimojo Shinji, “A Proposal of Access Control Mechanism Towards User-dedicated PRAGMA-ENT for IoT Era,” PRAGMA Workshop 31, Sep. 2016. (2nd Place of Students Poster Award)
  • Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Munkhdorj Baatarsuren, Keichi Takahashi, Susumu Date, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, “A MPI Concept with Efficient Control of Network Functionality Based on SDN,” PRAGMA 29, Oct. 2015.
  • Keichi Takahashi, Baatarsuren Munkhdorj, Khureltulga Dashdavaa, Susumu Date, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo, “Control Sequence Generator for Generic SDN-enhanced MPI Framework,” PRAGMA 28, Apr. 2015. (Lightning Talk Best Idea Award)


  • Shinji Shimojo, Keichi Takahashi, “Study on Data Staging Technique for Efficient Post-Processing in Large-Scale CFD Computation,” JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report, pp. 228-230, Sep. 2019. JAXA-SP-19-003E
  • Keichi Takahashi, “Programmable Interconnect Control Adaptive to Communication Pattern of Applications,” Doctoral Thesis, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, 2019. 10.18910/72595