Open source software
Here are some of the open source software that I have contributed to:
- batched-qsim-ve: A prototype batched quantum circuit simulator for CPU, GPU and VE
- neoSYCL: A SYCL Implementation for CPU and NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA (SX-AT)
- OpenMNT/CTranslate2: Fast inference engine for OpenNMT models
- keichi/kEDM: A performance portable implementation of Empirical Dynamic Modeling
- keichi/mpEDM: A GPU-accelerated implementation of Empirical Dynamic Modeling
- keichi/gbr: A Game Boy emulator written in Rust
- ornladios/adios2: A high-performance data movement middleware developed as a part of the US DoE Exascale Computing Project
- keichi/binary-parser: A high-performance declarative binary parser generator for node.js
- shimojo-lab/flowsieve: Role-based network access control over OpenFlow networks
- keichi/vienna: Simple and clean theme for hugo
- keichi/osx-tag: A node.js module to operate tags on macOS Mavericks or later
- keichi/arachne-mk2: High-performance BitTorrent DHT crawler
- keichi/pi-oven: Automated provisioning of RaspberryPi disk images
- keichi/IsosurfaceGenerator: Generate isosurface mesh for phased-array radar output